Betoonisegisti koos pumbaga toimetati meie Peruu kliendile
Hiljuti saabus sadamasse mitmeid Peruu kliendi ostetud seadmeid, mis saadeti tervikuna välja. Selle tellimuste hulka kuuluvad betoonisegistid, pumbaga betoonisegisti, rataskohvrid jne.
This customer is an experienced importer and has imported Chinese products many times. After many comparisons, the customer finally chose to cooperate with TEILA. He said that he has dealt with many Chinese suppliers, but TEILA high-quality service has deeply influenced him. TEILA not only provides him with machines that meet customer requirements, but also communicates in a timely manner and understands accurately.
TEILA is more able to save costs and expand revenue for customers from the customer's standpoint, which makes him very satisfied.