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Om os

Teila blev etableret i 2010, er en høj standardteknologi og største leverandør af udstyr til betonmaskiner i Kina. Teila fokuserer på udviklingen af ​​entreprenørmaskiner i tunge maskiner, brugte maskiner ......

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Electric Trailer Concrete Pump excellent quality for Sale

Core parts of TEILA electric pumps are Japanese Kawasaki original, this equipment has long lifetime and reliable quality.

Our pump adopts automatic lubrication system to ensure that equipment for a long time continuous operation.

Our electric concrete pump mixer has the electric list of spare parts to ensure a easy replacement, and it also has high accuracy and stability.


Main Systems And Working TheoryLine Pump and Trailer Pump Cases (Packing and Shipping)
1.Container: The cheapest and fast one ;put the machine into container need disassemble .
2.Flat rack:Often used to ship two wheel loader,max load-bearing is 35tons.
3.Bulk cargo ship :which is better for bigger construction equipment,no need disassemble.
4.RO RO ship :The machine is driven directly into the ship and does not need to be disassembled.

Betonblander med pumpeBetonblander